AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 2700X

AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 2700X

About processor

The AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 2700X processor is a high-performance CPU designed for desktop use. Built on a 12nm platform, this processor features 8 total cores and 16 total threads, making it capable of handling demanding multitasking and heavy workloads with ease. The 16MB L3 cache further enhances its processing speed and efficiency, while the 95W TDP ensures that it runs cool and energy-efficiently. In terms of performance, the AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 2700X excels in both single-core and multi-core tasks. With a Geekbench 6 Single Core score of 1279 and a Multi-Core score of 6213, this CPU delivers impressive speed and responsiveness across a wide variety of applications and workloads. Whether you’re a gamer, content creator, or professional user, this processor’s performance capabilities make it a reliable and versatile option. Overall, the AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 2700X processor is a powerhouse that offers excellent performance, efficiency, and reliability for desktop users. With its multi-core processing power, large cache size, and low TDP, it is an ideal choice for those seeking a high-performance CPU for demanding tasks.


Label Name
Launch Date
September 2018
Code Name

CPU Specifications

Total Cores
Cores is a hardware term that describes the number of independent central processing units in a single computing component (die or chip).
Total Threads
Where applicable, Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology is only available on Performance-cores.
Basic Frequency
Max Turbo Frequency
Max Turbo Frequency is the maximum single-core frequency at which the processor is capable of operating using Intel® Turbo Boost Technology and, if present, Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 and Intel® Thermal Velocity Boost. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), or billion cycles per second.
Up to 4.1GHz
L1 Cache
L2 Cache
L3 Cache
Unlocked for Overclocking
AMD`s product warranty does not cover damages caused by overclocking, even when overclocking is enabled via AMD hardware and/or software. GD-26.
CPU Socket
The socket is the component that provides the mechanical and electrical connections between the processor and motherboard.
Lithography refers to the semiconductor technology used to manufacture an integrated circuit, and is reported in nanometer (nm), indicative of the size of features built on the semiconductor.
Max. Operating Temperature
Junction Temperature is the maximum temperature allowed at the processor die.
PCI Express Version
PCI Express Revision is the supported version of the PCI Express standard. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (or PCIe) is a high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard for attaching hardware devices to a computer. The different PCI Express versions support different data rates.
PCIe 3.0

Memory Specifications

Memory Type
Intel® processors come in four different types: Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel, and Flex Mode. Maximum supported memory speed may be lower when populating multiple DIMMs per channel on products that support multiple memory channels.
Memory Channels
The number of memory channels refers to the bandwidth operation for real world application.
Bus Speed
Up to 2933MT/s

GPU Specifications

Integrated Graphics Model
An integrated GPU refers to the graphics core that is integrated into the CPU processor. Leveraging the processor's powerful computational capabilities and intelligent power efficiency management, it delivers outstanding graphics performance and a smooth application experience at a lower power consumption.
Discrete Graphics Card Required


OS Support
Windows 10 - 64-Bit Edition, RHEL x86 64-Bit, Ubuntu x86 64-Bit *Operating System (OS) support will vary by manufacturer.


Geekbench 6
Single Core Score
Geekbench 6
Multi Core Score
Geekbench 5
Single Core Score
Geekbench 5
Multi Core Score
Passmark CPU
Single Core Score
Passmark CPU
Multi Core Score

Compared to Other CPU

Geekbench 6 Single Core
1364 +6.6%
1323 +3.4%
1240 -3%
1203 -5.9%
Geekbench 6 Multi Core
6975 +12.3%
6557 +5.5%
5750 -7.5%
5452 -12.2%
Geekbench 5 Single Core
1085 +4.3%
1064 +2.3%
1019 -2%
998 -4%
Geekbench 5 Multi Core
7066 +13.5%
6638 +6.6%
5945 -4.5%
5749 -7.7%
Passmark CPU Single Core
2304 +2.7%
2272 +1.2%
2218 -1.2%
2194 -2.2%
Passmark CPU Multi Core
18551 +10.1%
17880 +6.1%
16248 -3.5%
15587 -7.5%