AMD Opteron A1150

AMD Opteron A1150

About processor

The AMD Opteron A1150 processor is a powerful and efficient server CPU that delivers excellent performance for demanding workloads. With its 8 cores and 8 threads, it offers sufficient processing power to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, making it well-suited for data-intensive applications and virtualized environments. The A1150 is built on a 28nm process and has a base frequency of 1.7 GHz, delivering the right balance of performance and power efficiency. The presence of 8MB of L3 cache ensures that data access is fast and responsive, further enhancing the overall performance of the processor. One of the standout features of the A1150 is its low thermal design power (TDP) of just 32W, which means it runs cooler and consumes less energy, making it an environmentally friendly option for data centers and server farms. Overall, the AMD Opteron A1150 processor is a solid choice for businesses and enterprises in need of a reliable, high-performance CPU for their server infrastructure. Its combination of core count, cache size, and power efficiency make it a compelling option for handling complex workloads and delivering consistent performance.


Label Name
Launch Date
January 2016
Model Name
The Intel processor number is just one of several factors - along with processor brand, system configurations, and system-level benchmarks - to be considered when choosing the right processor for your computing needs.
Opteron A1150
Code Name

CPU Specifications

Total Cores
Cores is a hardware term that describes the number of independent central processing units in a single computing component (die or chip).
Total Threads
Where applicable, Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology is only available on Performance-cores.
Performance-core Base Frequency
1.7 GHz
L1 Cache
80K per core
L2 Cache
4MB shared
L3 Cache
8MB shared
CPU Socket
The socket is the component that provides the mechanical and electrical connections between the processor and motherboard.
AMD Socket SP1
Lithography refers to the semiconductor technology used to manufacture an integrated circuit, and is reported in nanometer (nm), indicative of the size of features built on the semiconductor.
28 nm
32 W

Memory Specifications

Memory Type
Intel® processors come in four different types: Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel, and Flex Mode. Maximum supported memory speed may be lower when populating multiple DIMMs per channel on products that support multiple memory channels.
Memory Channels
The number of memory channels refers to the bandwidth operation for real world application.

GPU Specifications

Integrated Graphics Model
An integrated GPU refers to the graphics core that is integrated into the CPU processor. Leveraging the processor's powerful computational capabilities and intelligent power efficiency management, it delivers outstanding graphics performance and a smooth application experience at a lower power consumption.